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MSCR is a database or registry of people who are willing to donate their stem cell to a patient in need. The registry was established in December 2000. It is a collaboration between Ministry of Health (Institute for Medical Research, IMR) with National Cancer Council (MAKNA). In Malaysia, a stem cell transplant carried out for patients suffering from Leukaemia or Thalassemia. Besides, other blood diseases including Lymphoma, Aplastic Anaemia, Immunodeficiency and many more may also benefit from a stem cell transplant.


Patients who require blood stem cell treatment sometimes dont have a family member with a suitable blood stem cell. In these cases, they are compelled to search for an unrelated compatible donor. The chances of finding an unrelated compatible donor are very slim and are largely depend on the size of the registry. In short, the more people register for blood stem cell donor, the higher chances of finding a suitable donor.





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